Bigmouth Press and Comix recently interviewed Beeta Baghoolizadeh about Diaspora Letters. Bigmouth is a blog, micro press, and distro uplifting the work of women, femmes, and non-binary illustrators and comix creators from AMEMSA (African, Middle East, Muslim, South Asian) countries and their diaspora(s).
From the interview:
Bigmouth: When did you begin creating art and illustrating? What drew you to this medium as a form of expression?
Beeta Baghoolizadeh: Well, I’m a historian of modern Iran, so I’ve traveled to Iran pretty regularly in the past few years to conduct research and visit my relatives. And this last time I was in Iran—August 2017—I was overwhelmed by how quickly everything in Iran changes. I had to reorient myself with new geographies and landscapes—streets, neighborhoods, etc. The rapid growth of the urban sprawl is a lot to take in.